
  1. A Benchmark of Light Field View Interpolation Methods 
    Dingcheng Yue1, Muhammad Shahzeb Khan Gul2, Michel Bätz2, Joachim Keinert2, Rafal Mantiuk1
    1University of Cambridge, 2Fraunhofer IIS
  2. Towards a Perceived Audiovisual Quality Model for Immersive Content 
    Randy Frans Fela1, Nick Zacharov1, Søren Forchhammer2
    1SenseLab FORCE Technology, 2Technical University of Denmark
  3. No-reference Quality Evaluation of Light Field Content Based on Structural Representation of the Epipolar Plane Image 
    Ali Ak1, Suiyi Ling1, Patrick Le Callet1
    1University of Nantes
  4. Tone Mapping Operators: Progressing Towards Semantic-awareness 
    Abhishek Goswami1, Mathis Petrovich2, Wolf Hauser1, Frédéric Dufaux3
  5. View Synthesis-based Distributed Light Field Compression 
    Muhammad Umair Mukati1, Milan Stepanov2, Giuseppe Valenzise2, Frédéric Dufaux2, Søren Forchhammer1
    1Technical University of Denmark, 2CNRS
  6. A High-resolution High Dynamic Range Light-field Dataset With an Application to View Synthesis and Tone-mapping 
    Muhammad Shahzeb Khan Gul1, Thorsten Wolf1, Michel Bätz1, Matthias Ziegler2, Joachim Keinert1
    1Fraunhofer IIS
  7. HMM-based Framework to Measure the Visual Fidelity of Tone Mapping Operators 
    Waqas Ellahi1, Toinon Vigier1, Patrick Le Callet1
    1University of Nantes
  8. Presentation on Video Quality Experts Group meeting 2020. Waqas Ellahi
  9. Demo presentation at CVMP 2019. Fangcheng Zhong
  10. Presented at SIGGPRAH Asia’21 (Virtually)
  11. Invited talk at Huawei Computer Graphics and GPU Architecture Seminar (Virtually). Akshay Jindal

  12. Invited talk at Facebook Reality Labs Applied Perception Science Team. Akshay Jindal

  13. Invited talk at NVIDIA’s Henry Moreton Computer Graphics Forum. Akshay Jindal

  14. Video from the Team Building and Training School I has been shown on FMX2019 tradeshow at the booth of Fraunhofer IIS. Muhammad Shahzeb Khan Gul

  15. Video from the Team Building and Training School I has been shown on the Siggraph2019 booth from Fraunhofer IIS. Muhammad Shahzeb Khan Gul

  16. Video from the Team Building and Training School I has been submitted to a networking event in Japan, targeting Photonics made by Germany. Muhammad Shahzeb Khan Gul

  17. Research pitch and participation in Making Sense in Sensory: Workshop in Sensory and Consumer Science. Sarvesh R. Agrawal

  18. Invited interview for the Journal of Audio Engineering Society quarterly journal spotlight with the editor. Sarvesh R. Agrawal