Umair is from Karachi, Pakistan. He received B.E. in Industrial Electronics in 2014 from NED University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan and M.S. in Electronics with specialization in computational imaging in 2017 from Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey. His M.S. thesis was focused on improving the quality of light field image captured with but not specific to LYTRO camera. He worked on the improvement of spatial resolution and the virtual extension of aperture size of light field image. His research interests includes computational imaging and light field compression.
As a part of RealVision ITN project, he joined Coding and Visual Communication group at Technical University of Denmark (Department of Photonics Engineering) in 2018. As a part of this project, his goal is to encode light field image data for flexible access and processing, since light field video and imaging lead to very large amounts of data and coding is crucial to utilize the data efficiently. Therefore, he will develop high quality coding of light field data facilitating interactive, visually oriented applications. The coding scheme will be based on modelling relations of subsets, e.g. close-by views and efficient coding of these. He will implement, apply and extend “random access view extraction” technique for interactive user defined access for selected applications.
Email: mummu@fotonik.dtu.dk