Abhishek Goswami

Abhishek comes from the City of Joy, Kolkata located in the eastern part of India. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata in 2015.

He moved to Germany to pursue his Master’s degree in Computer Science from University of Saarland, Saarbruecken. His inclination was towards mathematical image analysis and image compression. As a result, he closely followed and worked on his thesis at the MIA Saarland group under Prof. Joachim Weickert and Dr. Pascal Peter. He defended his thesis on PDE-based Image Compression codecs in May 2018 and received his Master’s degree. Simultaneously on a different but interesting sphere, he worked as a student researcher at the Business Informatic group, IWI at DFKI Saarbruecken for almost 2 years where he worked on different public and private funded projects related to business process management towards ecological goals.

He joined DxO Labs in France from January 2019 within the framework of RealVision Innovative Training Network as a PhD researcher under the supervision of Wolf Hauser. Further, he is enrolled at the doctoral school of University of Paris-Saclay where he is supervised by Dr. Frédéric Dufaux at the L2S laboratory, CNRS/Centrale Supelec/Univ. Paris-Sud. Abhishek's primary focus is on HDR images and content-aware tone mapping algorithms for the same.

Email: agoswami@dxo.com






12 DECEMBER 2024